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Submissions for 26.1 Open Issue


Iron Horse Literary Review is now open for submissions for our 26.1 Open Issue. We will accept submissions in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction until March 15, 2023. There is no particular theme for our open issue—just send us your best work!

We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your piece is taken elsewhere.

Genre guidelines are below, and you can also find more information on our Submittable page.


For our print issues, we read flash and stories up to 6,000 words.


Iron Horse does not publish nonfiction which analyzes literature or focuses solely upon scholarly interests. We're looking for memoir, personal essays, cultural criticism with a personal angle, or immersion nonfiction. For our print issues, we read flash and mid-length essays up to 6,000 words.


We do not have length requirements for poetry, though we will not print any poem that severely limits the number of other poems we can include in each issue. Submitters should place all poems they want us to consider in ONE file--up to five poems. Do not send multiple files.



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