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It’s Fall and We’re Open for Submissions

Bibiana Ossai

We at the Iron Horse Literary Review are happy to welcome you to a new season of submissions! This past summer we received submissions for the First Book of Prose Prize and Photo Finish and we look forward to reading all your submissions and getting back to you. As writers ourselves, we understand how stressful the waiting period can be, but we want to encourage to be patient as we carefully read and engage with your work.

While we read previous submissions, we want to also inform you that we are open for submissions for our Long Story Prize and NaPamo Submissions. We will accept submissions until October 1, 2023. Send us your best work.

The Long Story Prize

For the IHLR Long Story Prize, we read nonfiction and fiction—prose manuscripts that run between 20-40 pages. The accepted stories are published in an e-single released during the month of June and it features only one long story, essay, memoir, or brief novella. To learn more about this prize and guidelines for submissions, click here. Below is a cover image of the winning fiction for the Long Story Prize 2023:

Lily Greenberg (Previous Long Story Prize winner)

NaPaMo Submissions

This submission is open to all poets to submit up to five poems for consideration. The very best ten poems will be published in annual issue dedicated to National Poetry Month. We are excited to see what poets have been working on over the summer. For more guidelines on the NaPaMo submissions, click here

You can also find more information on our Submittable Page. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your piece is taken elsewhere.

In case you’re wondering, here are some covers of the previous NaPamo issues:

Previous NaPaMo cover issue



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