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2018 trifecta gates open!


Every October, Iron Horse accepts submissions for its annual Trifecta, which is your chance to publish those marathon manuscripts most journals won't consider. Poets should submit a single poem, 10-20 pages long. Prose writers should submit a story or essay that runs between 25 and 40 pages. The entry fee is $10, which includes a year's subscription. The winners--a poet, an essayist, and a fiction writer--each receive $250.

Every June, the three winning manuscripts are released individually as e-singles, right when everyone on summer vacation needs a good read. The Trifecta singles are produced in attractive, four-color, FREE(!) electronic issues, each with its own chic design. They'll receive a lot of real estate space here on our website, but also on our social media outlets. Anyone can download them (we said, "FREE!"), and you can post them on your social media outlets, so all of your friends and family and professional connections can read your work.

NOTE: Iron Horse does not read long manuscripts outside of the Trifecta submission period. So don't miss the opportunity to have an editor look at your long stories, essays, or poems each November.

Submit online starting October 1st. In the meantime, read IHLR Trifecta stories, essays, and poems at IHLR Online ... for FREE!

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