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our new poetry & nonfiction editors


The new year (Gregorian as well as Lunar now) has brought some exciting changes to the Iron Horse office. In this post, I'm extending a big welcome to our new poetry editor, Camille T. Dungy, and our new nonfiction editor, Elena Passarello. We feel so lucky that these two stunningly talented writers have joined our editorial team.

At this same moment, I want to give many, many thanks to Carrie Jarrell (poetry) and Dennis Covington (nonfiction) for years of wonderful editorial insight that have helped Iron Horse grow into what it is now. Releasing six issues of high-quality literary work a year is no easy feat. So, yes, thank you, Carrie and Dennis.

And a very warm Iron Horse welcome to our new editors! If you're unfamiliar with who they are, you can visit our updated masthead for brief biographical information about these two very accomplished writers (and creative writing teachers). You can also visit Camille T. Dungy's official website and follow Elena Passarello on Twitter.

I encourage you to check out their beautiful, innovative work, if you haven't already. Dungy's third and latest collection of poems is Smith Blue, which won the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Book Prize in 2010. Passarello's debut collection of essays, Let Me Clear My Throat, came out in 2013 from Sarabande, and won the gold medal for nonfiction at the Independent Publisher Awards.

If you're waiting on your book order to arrive, here are some good places to start:

Camille T. Dungy's viscerally crafted and mercilessly astonishing poems, "From the First, the Body was Dirt" and "Frequently Asked Questions: 10"—both published in Poetry. Some key words and phrases: western bluebirds, exhalations, hurtful loud, a hundred thousand worms, bodies, unanswerable questions.

Elena Passarello's playful and musically, infectiously obsessive essays, "Ramalamadingdong"—in Creative Nonfiction, and "Teach Me Tonight"—in Better Magazine. Some key terms: Bjork, whiskey, pelvis, surprisingly butch, breath, Elvis Costello.

2016 will continue to be a transformative year for IH, I'm sure. We're deeply excited for the fresh vision Dungy and Passarello will be bringing to the editorial table and to you, our readers.

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