win, place, show: $12 or less writing contests

A big thanks to all of you for submitting to our Trifecta Issue! Also, remember you can read the previous winners on our website. If you have something shorter, then check out the following writing contests below. While there are many wonderful competitions out there, we've elected to stay small. All of the contests are $12.00 or less. Some are even free! So, keep writing, editing, and submitting your work.
Deadline: December 31, 2015
Entry fee: Free!
A prize of $500 is given annually for a group of three to five poems on a theme. For this year's contest, one poem must address either the struggles of the Chinese people under communism or the persecution of the Chinese meditation practice Falun Gong; the remaining poems must address one or more of the following themes: beauty, great culture, humor, or issues of our age. Poems must incorporate meter and rhyme. Society president Evan Mantyk will judge. Submit three to five poems of up to 50 lines each by December 31. There is no entry fee. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines.
Deadline: December 31, 2016
Entry fee: Free!
A prize of $1,500 and publication in River Styx is given annually for a short short story. The winner also receives a case of Schlafly microbrewed beer. Submit up to three stories of no more than 500 words each with a $10 entry fee, which includes a copy of the prize issue (for an additional $10, entrants will receive a subscription to River Styx) by December 31. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines.
Deadline: December 31, 2015
Entry fee: $10.00
A prize of $500 and publication in Fourteen Hills is given annually for a poem. Chet Wiener will judge. Using the online submission system, submit one poem of three to ten pages. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines.
Deadline: January 15, 2016
Entry fee: Free!
Deadline: January 25, 2016 by 5:00pm.
Entry fee: $12.00
Deadline: Feburary 29, 2016
Entry fee: $10.00
$500 Award. Submit up to 2 pieces of flash fiction, no more than 800 words each.
Deadline: March 1, 2016
Entry fee: $10.00
First Prize: $1,000
Second Prize: $250
Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each
Deadline: April 1, 2016
Entry fee: Free!