Reviews of Iron Horse.

Reviews of Iron Horse.

Reviews of Iron Horse.

Reviews of Iron Horse.
This is a mature project, and it is good looking and dignified. Iron Horse’s colophon is the best we’ve seen since LMR’s leaping lemur.
-Literary Magazine Review

The best feeling is that strange sort of trust a magazine or book exacts as it does the job well: you don’t know what’s next, but you know it’ll be worth it.
This is a literary journal that’s low on fluff. Expect serious boundary-stretching work right alongside the work of established respected writers.
-The Review Review
[T]here isn't a single entry in this issue of Iron Horse that doesn't fulfill her definition of the best poetry. Her taste, and that of editor-in-chief Leslie Jill Patterson, is impeccable.
Good things do come in small packages. I’d rather read 47 terrific pages [of IHLR] (a small journal by most measures) than two or three times that many mediocre ones.

The issue celebrates Hawthorne's fiction, but it also reexamines his work through the eyes of three prominent women authors. There is a heavy dose of irony here because Hawthorne dismissed women writers of his time as “scribblers” of market fiction. The result is a terrific issue juxtaposition of Hawthorne’s voice and voices of contemporary women writers.

Aside from the excellent poetry of this issue many other extras stood out. I was pleased with the layout design of the issue. Nothing looks boring here.
What knocked me out however was the Bio section. Following a brief bio the poets in this issue explain a little about their poem(s) in the issue.
-The Review Review

And the best poetry in this issue of IHLR is as good as the poetry anyone is publishing.
-Literary Magazine Review

Shannon Canning’s bold, yet intricate painting of a revolver sets the tone for this “Open Issue” of IHLR--works with bullet-like precision that are also foreboding or dark or solemn. … If all these troubles and violence and danger are worrying you--don’t despair. The issue’s superb contents are book-ended by the “cold truths” and the final words of Erika Meitner’s poem, “We will be all right,” which are also the final words in this issue. (This cannot, of course, be a coincidence, so I applaud the editor’s careful work to create this “whole” of these discrete pieces.)
The 2016 Open Issue of Iron Horse Literary Review opens the door for more exciting and innovative work in future issues, offering readers a varied array of talent and writing styles.